Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, urinary protein and amount of edema were compared with factors reflecting the prognosis and condition of the newborn in a series of 4404 patients with EPH-gestosis, collected from the Helsinki University Central Hospital in 1965–1969 and the University Women's Clinic, Würzburg, in 1960–1969. No significant association was observed between slight and moderate edema and the prognosis of the newborn. The systolic blood pressure gave more significant information than the diastolic blood pressure. The amount of urinary protein showed the most consistent correlation with an impaired prognosis. The systolic blood pressure and proteinuria were thus the most significant indicators. An index for estimation of the prognosis in EPH-gestosis was constructed on this basis. The purpose of this index is to provide a means of assessing the severity of the condition in the initial stage of treatment by exact use of simple observations. The index defines the risk of perinatal mortality, prematurity, asphyxia and smallness for dates in the individual case.