Effects of Adrenaline and Noradrenaline on Euglobulin Lysis Time and Effects of Adrenergic Receptor Blocking Agents on Shortening of Lysis Time by Adrenaline

Adrenaline in an intravenous dose of 0.1 µg per kg induced a significant shortening of the euglobulinlysis time in 8 healthy subjects. On the other hand, the euglobulin lysis time was not hastened by intravenous injections of the same dose of 1-noradrenaline in 8 healthy subjects. The shortening of the euglobulin lysis time induced by 0.1 µg per kg of adrenaline was blocked by the pretreatment with 300 mg of nethalide in 8 healthy subjects but not blocked by the pretreatment with 30 mg of phenoxybenzamine in 5 healthy subjects.