A simple larval diet for population studies on the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

1. A simple artificial diet was devised for larvae of Lucilia sericata Meigen. 2. A basic diet of 20 g/l agar with 20% horse blood and added yeast sustained normal growth and development, as compared with a lamb meat control. 3. When yeast was added to the blood agar diet at 50 g/l, both peak and final larval weights were increased by 25-50% at higher larval densities (2-8 larvae/g diet) and the hatchling-adult development period was reduced by about 3 days. 4. No adult insects emerged on an agar-yeast diet without blood. Increasing the concentration of blood from 10% to 20% increased adult weight at emergence by 50%, though developmental period was not significantly affected. 5. Increasing larval density significantly reduced the weights of pupae and emergent adults (by up to 50%), both on the blood-agar-yeast diet and the lamb meat control. Percentage survival fell from 80-90% to below 10% on the blood-agar-yeast diet at the highest densities of 4 or 8 larvae/g diet, though survival on lamb was not significantly affected by density.