Respiratory Abnormalities in Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Lung

EOSINOPHILIC granuloma was first described as a localized disease of bone by Finzi1 in 1929. Subsequently, cases with histologically proved eosinophilic granuloma of bone and abnormal chest roentgenograms were reported. In 1949 Parkinson2 wrote, ". . . the possibility that lung fibrosis and cyst formation may be the sole manifestation of eosinophilic xanthomatous granuloma must be considered. It seems likely that such cases will arise. . . ." Within two years this prediction was borne out by a report of 2 cases of eosinophilic granuloma limited to the lung.3 Since then 47 cases have been reported in which extrapulmonary lesions . . .