Structural Analysis of Residual and Technical Lignins by 1H-13C Correlation 2D NMR-Spectroscopy

Summary: Structural analysis was conducted on residual lignin from pine Kraft AQ pulp, Eucalyptus Kraft lignin from Eucalyptus globulus and Repap Organosolv lignin by 2D 13C-1H correlation NMR spectroscopic techniques such as HMQC sequence. These lignins contain a rather wide variety of saturated aliphatic groups. The HMQC NMR spectra of the lignins do not verify the presence of diarylmethane moieties in any lignin investigated. The type and amount of other condensed structures depend on the nature of lignin preparation. All the lignins investigated still contained β-O-4′, pino- and syringayresinol (β-β′) and phenylcoumarane (β-5′) structures. Stilbene structures were also identified. Vinyl ether structures were present only in Eucalyptus Kraft lignin. All the lignins contain α-carbonyl groups conjugated to aromatic moieties as terminal side chains rather than involving β-O-4′ structures. No coniferyl alcohol and coniferyl aldehyde type structures are detected in the lignins after pulping. The spectra of kraft lignins show some new signals, the origin of which is discussed.

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