Photoelectric and Thermionic Schottky Deviations for Tungsten Single Crystals

The periodic Schottky deviations have been obtained for photoelectric and thermionic emission in the [111] direction from a tungsten single crystal in a dual experiment. The thermionic deviations, compared with well-established experimental results and theory, serve as a check on the photoelectric work. The photoelectric deviations, not previously established experimentally in detail, are compared with theory. A composite theory, using Cutler-Gibbons thermionic parameters in Juenker's photoelectric analysis, is in best agreement with the experimental photoelectric results. The photoelectric deviations are in fair agreement in period and phase with the thermionic deviations, the agreement being better at the larger applied electric fields (corresponding to the earlier time of a run) than at the smaller field values. The photoelectric deviation amplitude is 1.7% at E½=350 (V/cm)½.