A Comparative Study of Two F-like Colicin Factors, ColV2 and ColV3, in Escherichia coli K-12

Of three colicin factors, each determining the synthesis of a colicin V in three wild-type Escherichia coli strains studied, two were shown to have sex-factor activities. In E. coli K-12, these activities resembled those of the F sex factor (including rapid and efficient self-transmission in exponentially growing cultures, adsorption of “male-specific” ribonucleic acid phage, production of “female phenocopies,” elimination by acridine orange, and chromosomal transfer dependent upon recombination with host bacterium) and differed in this way from those of the colicin I sex factor (ColI). The two V factors, ColV2 and ColV3, differed in their efficiency of plating male-specific phage and in the pattern of transfer of chromosomal markers. Furthermore, although neither factor could stably coexist with F within the same cell, they showed markedly different exclusion effects. In general, ColV2 excluded F and ColV3 was excluded by F, irrespective of which sex factor was preestablished in the cell. An exception to this was the ability of ColV2 to stabilize in any one of a series of Hfr strains, giving rise to strains which in the majority of cases showed normal Hfr and colicinogenic properties.