On the DecaysΣ±Λ0+e±+ν

We have scanned 550 000 pictures of stopping K mesons in hydrogen for the decays Σ±Λ+e±+ν, and find ΣΛ+e+ν/all Σ decays to be (0.64±0.12)×104 and Σ+Λ+e+ν/all Σ+ decays to be (0.20±0.08)×104. The rate for ΣΛ+e+ν yields a value of D=0.76±0.07, and α=D(D+F)=0.64±0.06. The observed electron-neutrino angular correlation together with the lambda polarization determines the magnitude of the ratio of vector to axial-vector coupling for this decay to be 0.31±0.30, consistent with the hypothesis of conserved vector current, with the absence of second-class currents, and with time-reversal invariance.