P-uniform circuit complexity

Much complexity-theoretic work on parallelism has focused on the class NC, which is defined in terms of logspace-uniform circuits. Yet P-uniform circuit complexity is in some ways a more natural setting for studying feasible parallelism. In this paper, P-uniform NC (PUNC) is characterized in terms of space-bounded AuxPDAs and alternating Turing Machines with bounded access to the input. The notions of general-purpose and special-purpose computation are considered, and a general-purpose parallel computer for PUNC is presented. It is also shown that NC = PUNC if all tally languages in P are in NC; this implies that the NC = PUNC question and the NC = P question are both instances of the ASPACE(S(n)) = ASPACE,TIME(S(n), S(n)o(1)) question. As a corollary, it follows that NC = PUNC implies PSPACE = DTIME(2no(1)).