Inelastic Scattering of 31-MeV Alpha Particles fromZn64andZn66

The (α,α) reaction on Zn64 and Zn66 has been studied using the 31-MeV α-particle beam from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cyclotron, with an over-all energy resolution of 80-120 keV. Angular distributions are presented, both for levels with known spin, and for levels whose spin and parity have not been previously determined. New 3, 4+, and 5 assignments are made both by comparison with levels of known spin and with the distorted-wave Born approximation. Good angular distributions are presented for the weak states at 1.81 MeV (2+) and 2.32 MeV (4+) in Zn64. They are both out of phase with the 2+ and 4+ single-excitation states. The slope of the angular distribution for the 2.32-MeV (4+) level is shallower than for the single-excitation 4+ state, while the slopes are the same for the 2+ states. Transition strengths in Zn64 and Zn66 are compared. Fractionation of 3 strength in Zn64 has been observed, but it is smaller than that found in the calcium isotopes.