Irritation of the upper airways from mixtures of cumene andn-propanol

The immediate irritation response induced by mixtures of vapours of cumene (isopropyl benzene) andn-propanol was evaluated in mice according to the standard method (Designation: E 981-84) from The American Society for Testing and Materials. The animal model allows prediction of the irritation response in humans. Analyses of the results from the initial periods of the experiments leads to the hypothesis that competitive agonism exists between the two substances. Extrapolation of the results to TLV concentration levels taking into account the apparent dissociation constants leads further to expectation of additivity of the effects of mixtures of vapours. Following the initial response there is a fading or a desensitization stage. After desensitization, the responses were close to those of cumene alone. This may suggest that the receptor contains different binding sites which desensitize to a different extent.