The alarming increase of argyrosis leaves little doubt as to our purpose in this report. There has been an accumulation of indubitable clinical evidence which makes it imperative to present before those who prescribe, dispense or use these drugs the danger entailed therein. It must be emphasized that within the past year, following intranasal applications with Argyrol and Neo-Silvol in fifteen children under 10 years of age, an argyrosis developed. Ten of these fifteen children were girls. All these children will present throughout their lives a conspicuous and permanent bluish or slate-gray discoloration that will select them as objects of whispered comments by friends and strangers. At present there is no treatment for argyria. The obvious responsibility for this injudicious medication rests with the circularized advertisements by the various manufacturers to the physicians; for example, they say: Argyrol solution, in any strength, may be used in the throat, nose and