Somaclonal variation in wheat: genetic and cytogenetic characterisation of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 mutants

The progeny of 551 regenerants of the hexaploid wheat cultivar ‘Millewa’ were analysed for somaclonal mutants at the threeAdh-1 loci in hexaploid wheat. Seventeen regenerants gave rise to progeny having altered ADH1 zymograms. Progeny with altered zymograms in 13 of these regenerants were aneuploid. The remaining 4 regenerants gave rise to euploid progeny with altered ADH1 zymograms. The genetics of three of these somaclonal mutants is described in detail. These regenerants were interpreted to possess a 4Aα isochromosome, a 3BS/4Aα translocation and a 7BS/4Aα translocation, respectively.