The molecular mechanism of thermal unfolding of E. coli tRNAGlu, tRNAfMet and tRNAPhe (in 0.02M Tris-HC1, pH 7.5. 10 MM Mg C12) has been examined by the spin-labeling technique. The rate of tumbling of the spin label has been measured as a function of temperature for ten different selectively spin-labeled tRNAs. Only spin labels at position s4U-8 were able to probe the tertiary structure. Evidences are presented which support the hypothesis that the thermal denaturation of the three species of tRNAs studied is sequential. The unfolding process occurs in three discrete stages. The first step (30 degrees-32 degrees) could either be assigned to a localized reorganization of the cold-denatured structure or to a "transient" melting, followed by the simultaneous disruption of the tertiary structure and part of the hU helix. This transition is observed even in the absence of magnesium. The second step (50 degrees-54 degrees) involves the melting of the anticodon and miniloop regions. The last step occurs above 65 degrees where the t psi c and amino acid acceptor stems, forming one continuous double helix, melt. A simple dynamic model is considered for tRNA function in protein biosynthesis.