A model for the study of epithelial migration in wound healing

Summary A model is described which enables the detailed study of epithelial regeneration in experimentally produced lesions in the common bile duct of the rabbit. The circular or slightly oval defect of 1 mm diameter produced by a specially developed apparatus has a perfectly smooth base. Epithelial migration in this model has been investigated using light microscopy of transverse sections and scanning electron microscopy of whole preparations. Typical changes in the border cells, characterised by the formation of tapered protusions, can be observed as early as two hours after the lesion has been made. Later the cells in the flattened edge of the moving border also show various types of protrusion which rest on the substratum. Mitotic activity in the surface epithelium and crypts in the surrounding region only increases after closure of the lesion, which usually takes place within 16–24 h.