Photoneutron cross sections forO17

Photoneutron cross sections involving the emission of one and two neutrons from O17 have been measured over the energy interval 8.5 to 39.7 MeV using monoenergetic photons from positron in-flight annihilation. The 6-MeV wide giant dipole resonance is observed to be centered at 23 MeV and a pygmy resonance is seen at about 13 MeV. Such structure as is apparent in the cross sections is not as pronounced as for the cases of O16 and O18. Comparison of the total photoneutron cross section with recent ground-state data indicates that much of the pygmy resonance decays to the ground or first excited state of O16, but that the giant dipole resonance decays mainly to highly excited states in the daughter. Excellent agreement is observed between the present results and a recent two-particle, one-hole shell-model calculation of the isospin-split giant dipole resonance states for this nucleus. New photoneutron cross-section results for O16 up to 39.7 MeV are reported as well.