Catalysis by dodeca-µ-chloro-octahedro-hexatantalum (3+) ion of the oxidation of tin(II) by iron(III) in aqueous solution

Rate constants have been obtained for the reaction Fe3++[Ta6Cl12]3+→ Fe2++[Ta6Cl12]4+ and its reverse, and for the reduction of [Ta6Cl12]3+ and of [Ta6Cl12]4+ by Sn2+. The results make possible an interpretation of the catalysis of the reaction 2Fe3++ Sn2+→ 2Fe2++ SnIV by [Ta6Cl12]3+ in aqueous solutions at 25 °C, [H+]= 0.50 mol dm–3, [Cl]≈ 0.04 mol dm–3, and I= 1.1 mol dm–3(Na[ClO4]). The dominant path of catalysis at low iron(II) concentrations is as in (i)–(iii). At higher iron (II) concentrations there is a proportionately greater contribution from other reactions, including (iV) and (v). Fe3++[Ta6Cl12]3+⇌ Fe2++[Ta6Cl12]4+(i), [Ta6Cl12]4++ Sn2+→[Ta6Cl12]3++ SnIII [graphic omitted] [Ta6Cl12]2++ SnIV(II), Fe3+(or [Ta6Cl12]4+)+[Ta6Cl12]2+ [graphic omitted] Fe2+(or [Ta6Cl12]3+)+[Ta6Cl12]3+(iii), [Ta6Cl12]3++ Sn2+→[Ta6Cl12]2++ SnIII(iv), Fe3+(or [Ta6Cl12]3+)+ SnIII [graphic omitted] Fe2+(or [Ta6Cl12]2+)+ SnIV(v)

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