The Effects of Certain Insecticides on the Cholinesterase of the American Cockroach12

A total of 32 insecticidal compounds were tested by two manometric methods for their effect in vitro on cholinesterase from the head of the American cockroach. The 13 chlorinated hydrocarbons tested, including DDT, lindane and the chlordane compounds, had no significant effect on this enzyme. Of the 6 organic phosphates tested, schradan and EPN had no effect, but diazinon, TEPP, and purified but aged samples of parathion and malathi.on were inhibitory. Pyrolan proved to be an anticholinesterase. Nicotine was a partial inhibitor at 10-3 [image], but not at 10-5 [image], concentration. The active principles of Lethane 60, [beta] -thiocyanoethyl laurate, gave a false appearance of increasing cholinesterase activity; but the increased gas evolution did not arise from the acetylcholine substrate.