Introduction T HE FIRST pancreatic injury was reported by Travers12 in England in 1827. He described an intoxicated woman who was struck by a stagecoach wheel and died a few hours later. Autopsy revealed a severed pancreas and a ruptured liver. Since that time pancreatic trauma has been reported more frequently and is being looked for more closely with each laparotomy being performed for trauma. The mortality of the pancreatic injury itself has been low, but the morbidity has remained high. One patient recently seen at Parkland Memorial Hospital had sustained a completely severed pancreas. This was incurred by blunt abdominal trauma from a steering wheel injury. This problem suggested a new method of surgical treatment and prompted a review of the management of traumatic injuries to the pancreas which occurred at Parkland Memorial Hospital over the past 15 years. Material and Method Seventy-nine patients have been treated during