Influence du taux protéique de la ration sur la composition corporelle du lapin

Two isoenergetic diets containing 13 or 16% balanced proteins were offered ad lib to Californian, USA, rabbits to compare their growth between the age of 35 days and an individual weight of 2.2 kg. The growth rate of the rabbits fed the low protein diet was greatly reduced (a delay of 6 days before they reached the weight of 2.2 kg). Until the age of 63 days, the feed conversion ratio of these rabbits was substantially deteriorated. After that period the diet was used more efficiently since the feed conversion ratio was similar to that of the rabbits fed the 16% protein diet when taking as a basis the whole experimental period, i.e., from the age of 35 days and until slaughter (2.2 kg). The plant proteins included in the low protein diet (13%) were better valorized. The main carcass traits (carcass weight, fatness, muscle/bone ratio, chemical composition of the muscle tissue) were not much affected by the experimentally induced variations in the growth rate of the rabbits.