Is There a Relation between Risk Groups or Initial CD4 T Cell Counts and Prevalence of Seborrheic Dermatitis in HIV-Infected Patients?

Objectives: (i) To investigate whether there is a difference in the prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis (SD) between homo- or bisexual HIV-infected patients and HIV-infected intravenous drug users, (ii) to study whether the initial CD4 T cell count at the first positive HIV test is of any significance for the prevalence of SD and furthermore to analyze whether (iii) antiretroviral treatment influences the prevalence and time course of SD. Patients and Methods: Since 1992 we have been following, within the scope of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, a group of individuals with proven HIV infection. In this study all HIV-infected patients belonging either to the risk group of homo- or bisexuals or that of intravenous drug users were included for further analysis. Results: We included 226 men and 51 women. The ages ranged from 17 to 68 years (mean 30.1). One hundred and forty-four were homo- or bisexual men and 133 (82 men and 51 women) were intravenous drug users. Out of these 277 HIV-infected patients, 66 (23.8%) had SD at baseline and 7 (2.5%) developed SD during the observation period (male:female = 68:5). Conclusion: In our study we found that (i) the risk group influences the prevalence and time course of SD, yet that (ii) neither the initial CD4 T cell count nor (iii) antiretroviral treatment is of any significance.