Probability Calculations for Turbulent Jet Flows with Mixing and Reaction of NO and O3

Calculations are performed for non-premixed, chemically reacting axisymmetric and plane jets involving NO and O3. The jet carries NO diluted with N2 into the stagnant surrounding containing traces of O3 in the carrier gas N2. The concentrations of the reactants and products are determined from Monte Carlo solutions of the joint PDF equation of two scalars (Shvab-Zeldovich variables). The hydrodynamics are determined from the continuity equation, time averaged momentum equations and a two-equation model for turbulence. In order to compare the Monte Carlo calculations and to estimate the effects of concentration fluctuations on the reaction rate, finite-difference calculations were made on the averaged transport equations for the same two Shvab-Zeldovich variables, with neglect of second-order effects on the reaction rate. It is noted that for the passive scalar (first Shvab-Zeldovich variable) mean transport calculations are advantageous, where the joint PDF formulation has the advantage of closing the source term for the reactive scalar (second Shvab-Zeldovieh variable). This paper contains mean velocity profiles, turbulence scales, the mean and all the second-order moments of scalars calculated from joint PDF formulation.

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