Gastropods from five elk foraging areas in north central Pennsylvania were collected from June to September 1981 and 1982 and examined for Parelaphostrongylus tenuis larvae. A total of 445 snails were found with a prevalence of infection of 16.2%. Seven species of snails were collected; larvae were found in six, and three represent new reports of naturally infected intermediate hosts of P. tenuis. These were Triodopsis albolabris, T. tridentata, and Ventridens intertextus. The prevalence of infection in each of these species was 20, 11.8, and 20.3%, respectively. Of 363 slugs, belonging to three species, only 1 (Deroceras laeve) was infected. One site, an old reclaimed strip mine, yielded 81% of the collected snails and 91.7% of the infected snails. This site was distinctive in its dense interwoven ground cover and soil of high calcium content and neutral pH.