Effect of Somatomedin-C/Insulin-Like Growth Factor I and Growth Hormone on Cultured Growth Plate and Articular Chondrocytes

To determine whether growth hormone has a direct effect on skeletal tissues not mediated by somatomedins, and to better define the role of somatomedin-C/ insulin-like growth factor I (Sm-C/IGF-I) in skeletal development, bovine growth plate, and rabbit articular and growth plate chondrocytes in primary culture were evaluated under a variety of experimental conditions designed to elicit growth hormone and Sm-C/IGF-I stimulation. Under none of these conditions did bovine growth plate chondrocytes respond to either homologous bovine growth hormone or heterologous hGH. Under the same conditions, these cells were highly responsive to human Sm-C/IGF-I with respect to both [3H]thymidine and [35S]sulfate incorporation, indices of mitotic and differentiated cell functions, respectively. Similarly, both rabbit articular and growth plate chondrocytes showed enhanced incorporation of [3H] thymidine and [35SJsulfate in the presence of Sm-C/IGF-I, but did not respond to either native or recombinant hGH. Cells at different stages of maturation within the bovine growth plate differed in their reaction to Sm-C/IGF-I with proliferative zone cells manifesting a greater response to the peptide than cells of the reserve zone. These results suggest that the action of Sm-C/IGF-I on growth plate and articular chondrocytes is direct and that the effect of GH on these cells is indirect. The data further suggest that within the growth plate, the transition from reserve to proliferative status is associated with an increased Sm-C/ IGF-I responsiveness, a change which may contribute to the functional differences in these cells.