A shock wave generated by an underground nuclear explosion was used to perform impedance-matching experiments for several different materials at pressures from 1 to 7 TPa. The nearly planar shock passed through a 180-mm-diam by 12-mm-thick molybdenum standard and into stacks of 10-mm-thick samples of the following adjacent pairs of materials: LiD-Be, Be-LiD, Al-Mo, Pb-quartz, W-Mo (low density, ρ0=8.29 g cm3), U-Mo, and Fe. An array of 75 electrical contact pins was used to determine the shape of the shock front and the shock velocities in the standard and in the samples with uncertainties ranging from 1.5 to 2.5%. The measured shock velocity of 27.30 km/s (±1.5%) in the molybdenum standard corresponds to a pressure of 4.95 TPa (±3.5%) based on a theoretical equation of state (EOS) that includes electronic-shell-structure effects. An impedance-matching analysis was performed for each sample stack to obtain Hugoniot data for all samples except those in the U-Mo stack; neutron-induced fission heating in the uranium perturbed the initial state and produced inconclusive results. Predictions, based on the SESAME EOS library, of shock velocities in most samples agree with the experimental results within the uncertainties. For the quartz and low-density molybdenum, the SESAME-predicted shock velocities are too large by 5 to 10%. The following Hugoniot points in pressure (P)-particle-velocity (u) coordinates were determined for the indicated samples: LiD (p=0.946 TPa, u=29.39 km/s), Be (1.46, 22.69); Be (1.79, 25.42), LiD (1.038, 31.23); Al (2.23, 23.89), Mo (4.03, 16.05); Pb (4.80, 17.84), quartz (1.66, 23.64); W (6.51, 15.10), and Mo (ρ0=8.29 g cm3) (3.68, 18.27). The results for iron have a larger uncertainty but are consistent with the SESAME predictions.

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