Precision tests of the MSSM

We present the results of a first global fit to the electroweak observables in the MSSM. The best fit selects either very low or very large values of ~$\tan\beta$ ~and, correspondingly, chargino (higgsino--like) and stop or the ~$CP-$odd Higgs boson are within the reach of LEP 2. Moreover, the best fit gives ~ $\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.118^{+0.005}_{-0.010}$, ~which is lower than the one obtained from the SM fits. The overall fit is excellent ~ ($\chi^2=7.2$ ~for 15 d.o.f. as compared to ~$\chi^2=11$ ~in the SM). Those results follow from the fact that in the MSSM one can increase the value of ~ $R_b\equiv\Gamma_{Z^0\to\bar bb}/\Gamma_{Z^0\to hadrons}$ ~ {\it without} modyfying the SM predictions for other observables.

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