Effects of arteriovenous fistula on systemic and pulmonary circulations

The effects of arteriovenous fistulas of different magnitudes on cardiovascular dynamics were studied in anesthetized dogs. It was found that A-V fistula decreases mean systemic arterial pressure, effective systemic blood flow, total and pulmonary peripheral resistances, whereas it increases heart rate, total cardiac output, stroke volume, left atrial pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, and systemic peripheral resistance. The magnitude of the above hemodynamic changes was essentially proportional to the size of the fistula. At equivalent increments in total cardiac output produced by A-V fistula and blood transfusion, the former condition causes a greater increase in pulmonary arterial pressure than the latter, although both conditions decrease the pulmonary peripheral resistance by the same degree. It was also found that, at equivalent left atrial pressures, left ventricular stroke work with A-V fistula was greater than that with blood transfusion.