Surgical Treatment of a Macular Hole Secondary to Accidental Laser Burn

Macular injury and holes secondary to accidental laser burn in occupational settings have been reported previously.1-3However, to our knowledge, surgical treatment of the holes has not been described. In this article, we report such a case. Report of a Case. A 26-year-old physics graduate student sustained an injury to his left eye while aligning a titanium-sapphire laser. The laser accidentally discharged while set to 25 to 50 mJ and 7 nanoseconds with a wavelength of 806 nm. He noted sudden loss of central vision associated with new floaters in his left eye. He was seen immediately by his ophthalmologist, who noted a best-corrected visual acuity of 20/60 OS, iritis, mild vitreous hemorrhage, and a white laser burn on the macula with a central retinal hemorrhage measuring 1 disc diameter. Four days later, visual acuity was unchanged and there was a full-thickness macular hole measuring 300 pm in diameter

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