Die Schwingungsspektren von MoO3.2 H2O und MoO2Cl2 · H2O / Vibrational Spectra of MoO3 · 2 H2O and MoO2Cl2 · H2O

The Raman and infrared spectra of MoO3·2 H2O and MoO2Cl2 · H2O have been assigned based on the known crystal structures of these compounds. In the region of the Mo-O-stretching frequencies the spectra of ΜοO3·2Η2O and MoO2Cl2 or WO2Cl2 are very similar. The same is valid for MoO2Cl2H2O compared with MoO3. The frequency νas (Mo-O - Mo) depends highly on the ratio of the bond lengths of the two bridge bonds.