Perturbative Effects in the Form Factor γγ^*\to πand Extraction of the Pion Wave Function from CLEO Data

We study the pion form factor F^{\pi \gamma\gamma^*}(Q^2) in the light-cone sum rule approach, accounting for radiative corrections and higher twist effects. Comparing the results to the CLEO experimental data on F^{\pi \gamma\gamma^*}(Q^2), we extract the the pion distribution amplitude of twist-2. The deviation of the distribution amplitude from the asymptotic one is small and is estimated to be a_2(\mu) = 0.12 \pm 0.03 at \mu=2.4 GeV, in the model with one non-asymptotic term. The ansatz with two non-asymptotic terms gives some region of a_2 and a_4, which is consistent with the asymptotic distribution amplitude, but does not agree with some old models.

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