Self-Contained GPS Integrity Check Using Maximum Solution Separation

Previous approaches to the self-contained GPS integrity problem have been in a hypothesis testing setting where the two hypotheses are: (1) a single satellite has failed, or (2) there is no failure. In this setting, selective availability is the major source of noise that impedes the detection scheme's ability to detect failures and, at the same time, have a low false alarm rate. This paper poses the problem in a different setting where the basic questions posed are: (1) is the radial position error less than some preset bound? or (2) is it greater than that bound? This is a more fundamental approach, because the pilot does not really care where the error comes from; rather, he is only concerned that the radial position error does not exceed a certain specified level. Results of simulations using a 24-satellite constellation and maximum separation of redundant solutions as the test statistic are presented. These results indicate that this scheme could provide radial error protection of about 250 m with acceptably low alarm and miss rates.

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