Morphological control and physiology of Scenedesmus strain 170

Control of the unicellular stage of Scenedesmus strain 170 was shown to be a complex phenomenon involving a number of factors. Nitrogen, as ammonium, was the main factor involved in controlling unicell formation. High light intensities, temperatures between 22 and 28°C, and cell pretreatment in a medium of low total salts (medium 7) all increased unicell percentages. Cell pretreatment in a medium of high total salts (Bristol's medium) yielded reduced unicell levels. It was proposed that the effect of light, temperature and cell pretreatment on unicell formation was secondary depending on their interaction with nitrogen metabolism. Cell ultrastructure, internal nitrogen and carbohydrate levels, and ammonium uptake rates for cells pretreated in both medium 7 and Bristol's medium are compared in support of the role of nitrogen metabolism in unicell production.