Respiratorischer Gasaustausch bei Atmung von 20,9% Sauerstoff in verschiedenen Inertgasen

In 15 patients with chronic bronchitis with or without emphysema breathing of room air was compared with breathing of 20.9% O2 in He and Ar. Minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation showed no differences; the alveolar and arterial PO2 [partial O2 pressure] and PCO2 [partial CO2 pressure] showed an improvement of the CO2 gas exchange and a deterioration of the O2 gas exchange. This contradictory behavior cannot be explained by shunts, inhomogeneities, or influence of gaseous or alveolo-capillary diffusion. Perhaps the physico-chemical properties of the alveolo-capillary membrane change by the depletion of N. The recommendation of He-O2 breathing for patients with obstructive airway diseases cannot be supported when the gas exchange for O2 is deteriorated.