Electrocardiographic Effects of Rivastigmine

The electrocardiographic (ECG) effects of rivastigmine treatment were assessed in mild to moderately severe Alzheimer's disease (AD) by analysis of four 26‐week, double‐blind, multicenter, placebo‐controlled, phase III clinical trials. Of an initial 2791 patients, 77% completed treatment. Seventy‐one percent required at least one concomitant medication for conditions other than AD, with 34% requiring cardiovascular medications. Safety assessments included ECGs, adverse events, vital signs, and clinical laboratory parameters. Pooled 12‐lead ECG data were analyzed by an independent cardiologist blinded to treatment group and clinical information. Heart rate, PR, QTc, and QRS intervals did not differ significantly between treatment and placebo groups. Percentage change from baseline for PR, QTc, and QRS intervals was also no different. In conclusion, rivastigmine appears not to produce adverse effects on cardiac function assessed by ECG.