Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis on agarose gel as an aid to the identification of entomopathogenic Bacillus sphaericus strains

Sixty strains of Bacillus sphaericus, including 31 insect pathogens were studied by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and were classified into 44 zymovars (electrophoretic types). Among the entomopathogenic strains, 11 belong to the same zymovar (Z59) indicating a widespread frequent genotype. Bands of enzyme activity were not detected among the strains for the loci GPI (E.C., G6P (E.C., 6PG (E.C. and ME (E.C. The enzymatic loci NP (E.C. and ACON (E.C. were monomorphic while the other enzymes, MDH (E.C., LeDH (E.C., ADH (E.C., EST (E.C., PEP-2 (E.C., PEP-3 (E.C.3.4.11) and PEP-D (E.C. were polymorphic. The genetic variation in the non-insect pathogenic group seemed to be greater than in the entomopathogenic group. This latter group appears to be distinct from other strains of these species. All insect pathogens were recovered in the same phenetic cluster and a diagnostic allele is reported for the identification of entomopathogenic strains.