Budding and prosthecate bacteria from freshwater habitats of various trophic states

Budding and prosthecate bacteria were enumerated in spring and summer by viable counting procedures in several freshwater habitats in Australia including oligotrophic lakes, a mesotrophic lake, and eutrophic ponds.Caulobacter spp. were the most numerous type encountered. They were present in the highest concentrations (exceeding 1000/ml) in the mesotrophic lake during the summer. Their proportion to total viable heterotrophic bacteria was also highest (35.1 to 37.7) in this habitat. From 17 to 330/mlCaulobacter spp. were counted in the eutrophic habitats where their proportion to total viable numbers was less than 1.0%. In the oligotrophic lakes they varied from 5 to 23/ml and comprised greater than 5% of the total viable count.Hyphomicrobium- like bacteria were also numerous in the mesotrophic lake and in one oligotrophic lake during the summer sampling period.Ancalomicrobium spp. occurred in high concentrations (130/ml) in the mesotrophic lake. Budding bacteria of thePlanctomyces-Pasteuria group were most numerous in the eutrophic habitats where as many as 240/ml were counted; their proportion to total heterotrophs remained relatively constant regardless of trophic state, however. A similar pattern was observed withProsthecobacter spp.