Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with severe involvement of cerebral white matter and cerebellum

We describe a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) of the ataxic and panencephalopathic type. Postmortem examination revealed the characteristic lesions of CJD in the grey matter and profound white matter involvement was seen with immunocytochemical techniques. Ultrastructural white matter lesions were identical to those described in experimentally transmitted CJD. There was marked loss of cerebellar granule cells with virtual disappearance of parallel fibres, but Purkinje cells were only slightly reduced. Electron microscopic studies revealed extensive degenerative changes including cytoplasmic vacuoles in both cell types. Silver methods disclosed massive impregnation of white matter and striking abnormalities of Purkinje cells consisting of hypertrophy and flattening of thick dendritic branches, reduction in the number of terminal branchlets, segmentary loss of spines and polymorphic spines. These findings show the extensive involvement of all three cerebellar cortical layers and the reactive plasticity of Purkinje cells to deafferentiation. They favour the hypothesis that demyelination represents a primary lesion of the white matter.