The yield and composition of kale and cabbage with and without nitrogenous top-dressing

In 4 consecutive years, 1948 to 1952, combined varietal and manurial trials were carried out to obtain information on the yields of marrow-stem kale, thousand-head kale and cattle cabbage in the presence and absence of sulphate of ammonia applied as a top-dressing at the rate of 6 cwt./acre. Yield and composition of all crops were apparently affected by differences in weather conditions. In most years, and particularly for cabbage, the yield declined with successive harvests. Increased green crop, dry matter and crude protein yields resulted from the application of nitrogenous fertilizer in 3 years, but in the other year, a very dry season, the response to the top-dressing was negligible. Marrow-stem kale both with and without the additional fertilizer, yielded more, in terms of fresh crop, dry matter and crude protein, than thousandhead kale with the same manurial treatment. Cabbage yields often approached those of marrowstem kale at the first harvest, but were nearer to those of thousand-head by the last harvest of each year.