The manner in which a transition into intermediate coupling, between the extremes of (jj) coupling and (LS) coupling, accounts for much of the failure of the (jj) coupling shell model in the light nuclei of the p-shell is illustrated by some typical examples. The set of secular equations for the configurations p2 and p2 applying to Li6+He6 and to N14+C14 is sufficiently simple to be worked out in detail. In the configuration p8 which applies to C12+B12 the states are much more numerous and the equations are too complex to be solved in detail, but the solutions for the low states of interest may be treated by approximate methods, relying on some knowledge of the asymptotic behavior in the extremes. The general features of observed energy spectra for p2 and for p8 are both compatible with the intermediate coupling scheme with the same ratio aK5 of the spin-orbit coupling parameter a to the "exchange integral" K, which separates multiplets. The criterion for whether the spectrum of the low states slightly resembles (LS) coupling, as it does in C12+B12, rather than (jj) coupling, as in N14+C14, is not just the value of a relative to K but the magnitude of a relative to the multiplet separations provided by K in (LS) coupling, which are exceptionally large among the low states of C12.