We have measured the frequency dependence of the individual photoelastic coefficients of silicon using a simplified acousto-optic technique. We define the photoelastic tensor q by Δεij=qijklekl, where e is the particle displacement gradient tensor and Δε is the strain-induced change in the optical dielectric tensor. We find q1111(3.39 μm)=+13.0±0.6, q1111(1.15 μm)=+15.7±1.1, q1122(3.39 μm)=2.41±0.1, and q1122(1.15 μm)=1.45±0.1. The extrapolated long-wavelength limit of the average photoelastic coefficient agrees well with our previous estimate for the frequency-independent Phillips—Van Vechten model. However, within a proper frequency-dependent Penn model we have shown that the "oscillator strength" does not vary as r3. Further we have demonstrated that the dispersion energy Ed in the Wemple-DiDomenico model is proportional to r1.9±0.8 and not volume independent as would be expected from the model. It is concluded that whereas a simple single-gap model works well to describe the low-frequency dispersion in the dielectric constant of silicon, it is incapable of describing the dispersion in the photoelastic tensor.