Improvedα4term of the muon anomalous magnetic moment

We have completed the evaluation of all mass-dependent α4 QED contributions to the muon g2, or aμ, in two or more different formulations. Their numerical values have been greatly improved by an extensive computer calculation. The new value of the dominant α4 term A2(8)(mμ/me) is 132.6823 (72), which supersedes the old value 127.50 (41). The new value of the three-mass term A3(8)(mμ/me,mμ/mτ) is 0.0376 (1). The term A2(8)(mμ/mτ) is crudely estimated to be about 0.005 and may be ignored for now. The total QED contribution to aμ is 116584719.58(0.02)(1.15)(0.85)×1011, where 0.02 and 1.15 are uncertainties in the α4 and α5 terms and 0.85 is from the uncertainty in α measured by atom interferometry. This raises the standard model prediction by 13.9×1011, or about 1/5 of the measurement uncertainty of aμ. It is within the noise of current uncertainty (100×1011) in the estimated hadronic contributions to aμ.