Introduction Much of the interest in lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is due to its capacity to produce schizophrenic-like behavior when administered in extremely small quantities.4,6Among the reported changes resulting from LSD have been alterations in time perception. DeShon, Rinkel, and Solomon,1found changes in the form of experiences of acceleration, retardation, or nonexistence of time, while "true disorientation" was not observed. The subjects of Hoch, Cattell, and Pennes3reported the passage of time as slowed, an experience not uncommon to schizophrenic patients. An objective study of the time sense of schizophrenics5indicated that this population overestimates short audible durations to a significantly greater degree than do normal controls. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether moderate to low doses of LSD produce alterations in the time sense of normal subjects in the direction characteristic of schizophrenia, using the same method as reported