Investigation of turbulent thermal convection between horizontal plates

Properties of turbulent thermal convection were measured in air between horizontal plates maintained at constant temperatures. Rayleigh numbers of 6·3 × 105, 2·5 × 106 and 1·0 × 107 were studied with a convection chamber designed to allow measurements to be taken along a horizontal path. Vertical profiles are presented of horizontally averaged temperature; r.m.s. fluctuations of temperature, horizontal velocity and vertical velocity; total heat flux; the correlation coefficient between vertical velocity and temperature; all terms in the thermal variance equation; and of terms in the turbulent kinetic energy balance.One-dimensional spectra of temperature, horizontal velocity and vertical velocity at two different heights all disclose large intensity for waves of length 5 to 15 times the plate separation. Secondary peaks occur for scales of from 0·7 to 1·7 times the separation height.Many of the observations are consistent with a thermal structure dominated by plumes extending most or all of the distance between plates.