Testosterone secretion during gubernacular development and testicular descent in the dog

Serum testosterone concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 1.45 nmol/1 between day 53 post coitum (p.c.) until day 40 post partum (p.p.) and did not show variations that could be correlated with the process of testicular descent. The intratesticular androgen appeared to be mainly testosterone, its concentration being .apprx. 5000-fold higher than that in suerm; 5.alpha.-dihydrotestosterone could not be demonstrated. The intratesticular testosterone concentration at the initiation of gubernacular regression (day 0) was apparently, but not significantly, higher than at day 49 p.c. and at day 40 p.p. The ability of the neonatal canine testis to synthesize testosterone was indicated by increased serum testosterone concentrations after hCG [human chorionic gonadotropin] stimulation.