Recent reports have indicated the superiority of whole liver to extracts in the treatment of certain types of macrocytic anemia, such as those occurring in pregnancy, sprue, and tropical nutritional deficiency states; occasionally cases of these anemias have been shown to be refractory to fractionated liver extracts administered parenterally but amenable to whole liver given by mouth. Accordingly it was decided to attempt the exptl. prep. of predigested whole liver. Papain was chosen as a suitable enzyme for use, since this would react at the natural pH of minced liver[long dash]namely, approx. pH 5.6. In this way the danger of the destruction of active principles by exposure to acid or alkaline conditions would be avoided. In the proteolysed liver obtained there were present predigested protein material in addition to essential hemopoietic factors. Fats, fat-soluble vits., and coarse indigestible material were alone discarded. It was estimated that one ounce of proteolysed liver powder was derived from approx. 6 ounces of raw "wet" liver, after allowing for losses due to the mechanical process. The liver prep. in the form of a granular powder readily soluble in water was dissolved in warm but not boiling water, pepper and salt being added to taste, making a beverage which was found by the patient to be quite palatable. The dosage given varied from 2-8 teaspoonfuls of the powder daily, equivalent by wt. to 2 drachms and 1 ounce respectively. The prep. was conveniently given twice daily, with a maintenance dose of 1 teaspoonful. The responses were satisfactory.