Effect of residual stress and heterogeneity on circumferential stress in the arterial wall.

Quantifying the stress distribution through the arterial wall is essential to studies of arterial growth and disease. Previous studies have shown that both residual stress, as measured by opening angle, and differing material properties for the media-intima and the adventitial layers affect the transmural circumferential stress (sigma theta) distribution. Because a lack of comprehensive data on a single species and artery has led to combinations from multiple sources, this study determined the sensitivity of sigma theta to published variations in both opening angle and layer thickness data. We fit material properties to previously published experimental data for pressure-diameter relations and opening angles of rabbit carotid artery, and predicted sigma theta through the arterial wall at physiologic conditions. Using a one-layer model, the ratio of sigma theta at the internal wall to the mean sigma theta decreased from 2.34 to 0.98 as the opening angle increased from 60 to 130 deg. In a two-layer model using a 95 deg opening angle, mean sigma theta in the adventitia increased (112 percent for 25 percent adventitia) and mean sigma theta in the media decreased (47 percent for 25 percent adventitia). These results suggest that both residual stress and wall layers have important effects on transmural stress distribution. Thus, experimental measurements of loading curves, opening angles, and wall composition from the same species and artery are needed to accurately predict the transmural stress distribution in the arterial wall.