Magnetic susceptibility of CuCl2⋅TMSO, a ferromagnetic spin 1/2 linear chain

The crystal structure of the title compound (TMSO≡C4H8SO) consists of linear chains of Cu ions with three bridging ligands (2 Cl, 1 O) between each pair of Cu ions. The susceptibility of the salt has been measured between 2.0 and 120 K on a PAR vibrating sample magnetometer and from 80 to 300 on a Faraday balance. The high temperature data shows positive deviation from Curie behavior, with a Curie‐Weiss constant of 18.7 K. However, considerable interactions between chains exist and the χT vs T plot shows a maximum at T=7.5 K. The data has been analyzed with several one‐dimensional models. At present, the best fit is obtained with an Heisenberg linear chain (J=24.6 cm−1) with a mean field correction for interchain interactions (ZJ′=−1.3 cm−1).