Previously reported transplantation experiments in the field showed that Gastroclonium coulteri (Harvey) Kylin could survive above its normal intertidal range (0.0–0.5 m above MLLW), except during periods of daytime low tides in spring. Net photosynthetic rate measurements in the laboratory were performed to determine which physical factors might determine the upper boundary for this species in the intertidal zone.Maximum net photosynthesis occurred between 15 and 20° C, but remained positive between 4 and 35° C. The air temperature extremes observed in the field were 2° C (only seen once) and 26° C. Net photosynthesis increased as expected with light intensity to the highest value obtainable in the laboratory, 1400 μEin m−2 s−1. Plants collected from the field under higher light intensity (up to 2000 μEin m−2 s−2) also showed high rates of photosynthesis. Neither the temperature nor light levels observed in the field were directly damaging to photosynthesis. Desiccation, however, resulted in a sharp decrease in both photosynthesis and respiration. G. coulteri fully recovered from successive daily treatments of about 35% desiccation, but not from successive treatments of 50% desiccation. One exposure to 70% desiccation allowed no recovery of photosynthetic capacity.