Histological Observations on Some of the Endocrine Glands in the Ironfish, with Special Regard to the Hypophysis

Endocrine glands of the ironfish were studied by light microscopy to elucidate the relationship between the races of the genus Carassius. The rostral pars distalis of the adenohypophysis consisted mainly of acidophils corresponding to prolactin cells and lead-hematoxylin positive cells corresponding to corticotrophs (ACTH cells). The prolactin cells were arranged in the form of follicles. The proximal pars distalis contained organgenophils (STH [somatotropin] cells) and 2 types of basophils (TSH [thyrotropin] and GTH [gonadotropin] cells). In the pars intermedia, 3 tyeps of cells were identified: periodic acid Schiff positive cells, lead-hematoxylin stainable cells and organgenophils containing PAS [periodic acid-Schiff] positive coarse granules. Small agranular cells were seldom demonstrated in the entire adenohypophysis. A considerable amount of aldehyde fuchsin positive neurosecretory material was laden in the cells of the nucleus preopticus and in the pars nervosa. The nucleus lateralis tuberis was composed of 3 portions: pars anterior, pars posterior and pars lateralis. The thyroid follicles found in the pharyngeal region and head kidney show a mild state of activity. The interrenal cells intermingled with the chromaffin cells had a considerable amount of eosinophil cytoplasm. Judging from the gonadal condition, the breeding season of the ironfish may extend to the end of July.