In 1989 a crocodyliform having a mammal-like dentition was reported from the Early Cretaceous of Malawi, Africa. It shares with Notosuchus of South America the following derived features: jaw articulation that permitted longitudinal movement and the occipital condyle on the ventral surface of the braincase. The Malawi crocodyliform is distinct from Notosuchus in possessing multicusped posterior teeth, narrow and elongate prefrontals, no maxillo-palatal fenestrae, deeply overhung squamosal, and a longer, flat jaw articulation surface. The long, flat jaw articulation and tooth morphology suggest proal processing of food. The Malawi crocodyliform has cervical vertebrae with well developed hypapophyses and tall neural spines indicating strong neck muscles. The femur has a well developed medially directed head and posteriorly directed distal condyles. The crus projects from the tarsals vertically. These features suggest an erect posture and cursorial ability. The supracondylar ridges of the humerus are well developed for muscle attachment indicating strong rotation and retraction of the humerus. Articulated specimens suggest preservation in burrows.